Welcome to Comtech Training. All information required to train with us can be found below. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.

USI (Unique Student Identifier)
Before you can enrol, you will need a USI (Unique Student Identifier).
Do I have the right skills to do the training?
Use our LLN to see if you have the language, literacy and numeracy skills to successfully complete our courses.
Where do I find the information I need as a Student?
The Student Handbook contains the company policies in relation to students.
Where do I find information about Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)?
Please see our RPL page.
Safety Footwear
Students must wear approved Australian Standard safety footwear at all times when attending classes. If you are not wearing the correct footwear the instructor will not let you start the class.
No refunds will be made available if the student is unable to participate due to incorrect footwear.
Australian Standards
Some courses require you to download certain reference standards so you can complete your course.
Australian Standard AS/CA S009:2020 is required for use with the Open Registration and Combined endorsement courses.
There are printed sets of standards in the classroom for use whilst you are at the centre
There is also an option to purchase a printed and bound set from Reception.
The standards can be downloaded free of charge from a link on our technical resources page which can be found here:
You will need a laptop computer and internet access to complete most courses. Laptops sold in the last 3 years should be suitable. Please contact our office if you need advice on a suitable computer.
Free Software
Some of our courses require you to install software to complete your course. We recommend that you download these before attending your course. They are free for personal use:
- LibreOffice (Microsoft Office alternative)
- ProjectLibre (Microsoft Project alternative)
- Dia Diagram Editor (Microsoft Visio alternative)
- Java Runtime Environment (32-bit version required for ProjectLibre)
- Sumatra PDF Reader (Adobe Acrobat Reader alternative)
- FreeCAD (AutoCAD alternative)
- Google Chrome (Recommended for using our eLearning)
- Putty Telnet Client (Used for Cisco courses)
- Oracle VirtualBox (Used for Server installations)